Déscription :
Chatila, camp de l’UNRWA. Avec la famille Hindawi (ou Al Hindawi). Mona et Jamal Hindawi sont originaires de Haïfa. Jamal est polisseur de marbre de formation, souvent au chômage. Mona est femme au foyer et s’occupe des six enfants de la maison. Ahmad al Hindawi font leurs devoirs. Ahmad qui est en 5e au collège «Ariha» (Jericho), veut devenir avocat pour son pays. Il sait que c'est un rêve et qu'au Liban il ne pourra pas exercer ce métier. Shatila, UNRWA camp. With the (AL) Hindawi family. Mona and Jamal Hindawi are originally from Jaffa. Jamal is a marble polisher by profession, but often unemployed. Mona is a housewife and takes care of the six children that live with them. Ahmad Al Hindawi is doing his homework. Ahmad, who is in the “Ariha” (Jericho) secondary school, wants to be a lawyer for his country. He knows it is nothing but a dream and that he cannot be a lawyer in Lebanon. Chatila, camp de l’UNRWA. Avec la famille Hindawi (ou Al Hindawi). Mona et Jamal Hindawi sont originaires de Haïfa. Jamal est polisseur de marbre de formation, souvent au chômage. Mona est femme au foyer et s’occupe des six enfants de la maison.
Ahmad al Hindawi font leurs devoirs. Ahmad qui est en 5e au collège «Ariha» (Jericho), veut devenir avocat pour son pays. Il sait que c'est un rêve et qu'au Liban il ne pourra pas exercer ce métier.
Shatila, UNRWA camp. With the (AL) Hindawi family. Mona and Jamal Hindawi are originally from Jaffa. Jamal is a marble polisher by profession, but often unemployed. Mona is a housewife and takes care of the six children that live with them.
Ahmad Al Hindawi is doing his homework. Ahmad, who is in the “Ariha” (Jericho) secondary school, wants to be a lawyer for his country. He knows it is nothing but a dream and that he cannot be a lawyer in Lebanon.